The mxied pattern with deep tread depth offers superior driving force and protection against puncture, high abrasion, excellent adhesion. Suitable for rough roads and mining areas
The mxied pattern with deep tread depth offers superior driving force and protection against puncture, high abrasion, excellent adhesion. Suitable for rough roads and mining areas
Unique steel belt structure, with a high abrasion and low heating generation cap tread, superior ground gripping ability, well resistance to impact.Suitable for highway, ordinary grade pavement
Superior driving and braking performance, high abrasion, well heat dispersion, low noise, well resistance to impact, superior stability in high-speed running.Suitable for highway, ordinary grade pavement
Superior driving and breaking performance, high abrasion, low heating geneation,supeior adhesion excellent lateral spreads slippery low noise, resistance,reducing vehicle parts lossing geneartion, superior adhesion,Suitable for rough roads and mine areas.
Deep tread depth offer excellent traction, adhesion, and well protection against puncture, superior driving and braking performance, high tear resistance.Suitable for rough roads and ordinary grade pavement.
The mixed pattern on the treas with deep tread depth offer superiordriving force and protection against puncture, high abrasion, excellent adhesion.Suitable for rough roads and mine areas
Superior anti-irregular wearing performance and stability in running, well heat dispersion.Suitable for rough roads and ordinary grade payment. For shot and middle distance vehicles.
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